All current members should have received an Evite to our Summer Picnic. Here is the pertinent info, please RSVP via the Evite. Due to the way I created the invitation I cannot edit it or resend notifications at this time. If Evite can help me get this fixed I will send a message to those who have not yet responded. If you don't have the original invitation you can also just RSVP to my personal email account or reply to this thread.
Host: Mike & Barb Ewen
When: Sunday, June 17 at 5:00 PM
Come join us for the 2012 TriRochester Summer Picnic! We'll get started about 5pm and wrap up whenever everyone leaves. This should give all volunteers and participants in the RochesterFest Tri a chance to shower and change. Friends and families are welcome. The club will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, condiments, plates, silverware. Please bring your own drinks, lawn chairs, and something to share like chips, fruit, dessert, salad, etc if possible.
Please RSVP to help us plan for the club provided food. Thanks and hope to see you there!
Article originally appeared on TriRochester (
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